天麟海外艺术创意启发中心 | 2021-02-09
© University of the Arts London
1. 下列伦敦传媒学院硕士课程申请截止日期提前至:2021年2月12日。
● MA Animation
● MA Graphic Media Design
● MA Illustration and Visual Media
2. 伦敦时尚学院时尚准备课程的申请截止日期提前至:2021年2月19日。
● International Preparation for Fashion (Cert HE)
1. 伦敦时尚学院国际班:时尚研究入门课程的申请截止日期:2021年3月15日。
● International: Introduction to the Study of Fashion
2. 艺术设计预科文凭课程的申请截止日期:2021年3月31日。
● CCW Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
● CSM Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
3. 下列研究生课程申请截止日期:2021年3月15日。
● 坎伯韦尔艺术学院
MA Designer Maker
● 中央圣马丁艺术学院
MA Design (Ceramics)
MA Design (Furniture)
MA Design (Jewellery)
MA Fine Art
MA Performance Design and Practice
● 切尔西艺术学院
Graduate Diploma Interior Design
MA Fine Art
● 伦敦传媒学院
MA 3D Computer Animation
MA Design for Art Direction
MA Design for Social Innovation and Sustainable Futures
MA Design Management
MA Film
MA Games Design
MA Graphic Branding and Identity
MA Interaction Design
MA Photography
MA Service Design
MA Television
MA User Experience Design
PgDip Design for Visual Communication
● 伦敦时尚学院
Graduate Diploma Fashion Design Technology
Graduate Diploma Fashion Management
MA Costume Design for Performance
MA Fashion Cultures and Histories
MA Fashion Design Technology (Menswear)
MA Fashion Futures
MA Fashion Photography
● 温布顿艺术学院
MA Theatre and Production Design
4. 下列研究生课程申请截止日期:2021年5月15日。
● 坎伯韦尔艺术学院
MA Fine Art: Computational Arts
MA Fine Art: Drawing
MA Fine Art: Photography
MA Fine Art: Printmaking
MA Fine Art: Sculpture
● 中央圣马丁艺术学院
Graduate Diploma Fashion
MA Biodesign
MA Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies
MA Dramatic Writing
MA Fashion (Knitwear for Fashion)
MA Fashion (Menswear Fashion)
MA Fashion (Textiles For Fashion)
MA Fashion (Womenswear Fashion)
MA Fine Art Digital
MA Material Futures
MA Narrative Environments
MArch Architecture
Master of Business Administration
Mres Art: Exhibition Studies
Mres Art: Moving Image
Mres Art: Theory and Philosophy
● 切尔西艺术学院
Graduate Diploma Textile Design
● 伦敦传媒学院
Graduate Diploma Photography
MA Advertising
MA Arts and Lifestyle Journalism
MA Data Visualisation
MA Documentary Film
MA Media, Communications and Critical Practice
MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography (Full-time/Part-time mode)
MA Public Relations
MA Publishing
MA Screenwriting
MA Sound Arts
MA Virtual Reality
MA Visual Effects
PgCert Design for Visual Communication
● 伦敦时尚学院
MA Fashion Curation
MA Fashion Design Management
MA Fashion Entrepreneurship and Innovation
MA Fashion Journalism
MA Fashion, Film and Digital Production
MA Footwear
MA Global Fashion Retailing
MA Innovative Fashion Production
MA Pattern and Garment Technology
MA Strategic Fashion Marketing
MSc Applied Psychology in Fashion
● 温布顿艺术学院
MA Contemporary Theatre and Performance
1. 有关UAL课程申请及截止日期等或会更新,详情请与我们联系;
2. 对于部分未设置申请截止日期的课程,UAL将在录取中实行“额满即止”的原则。
1. UAL所有本科课程(申请截止日期为2021年1月29日)。
2. 下列研究生课程(申请截止日期为2021年1月6日)。
● 坎伯韦尔艺术学院
Graduate Diploma Illustration
MA Fine Art: Painting
MA Graphic Design Communication
MA Interior and Spatial Design
● 中央圣马丁艺术学院
MA Art and Science
MA Character Animation
MA Graphic Communication Design
MA Industrial Design
MA Innovation Management
● 切尔西艺术学院
Graduate Diploma Fine Art
Graduate Diploma Graphic Design
MA Curating and Collections
MA Textile Design
● 伦敦时尚学院
MA Fashion Artefact
MA Fashion Design Technology (Womenswear)
UAL 2021/22学年入学申请正在火热进行中,春季广州专场面试也正开放报名。想参加现场面试收获OFFER的同学们赶紧来报名吧。
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