2014年6月16日(星期一) - 2014年6月17日(星期二)
Interview Date:
16 - 17 June 2014 (Monday – Tuesday)
面 试 官:
Cath Johnson (伦敦艺术大学资深导师和面试官)
Cath Johnson (International coordinator at University of the Arts London)
面试材料(Interview Documents):
* 个人作品集(Portfolio )---如申请艺术设计类课程,请带齐所有作品集。
(please bring all of your works to the interview, if applying for art and design course.)
* 已填好的申请表(Application Form)---请与我们索取。
* 个人陈述(Personal Statement)
* 在校成绩单(Academic Transcripts)
* 毕业证、学位证或在读证明(Graduation Certificate, Degree Certificate, or Studentship Certificate)
* 学习计划书(Study Proposal) ---如需专业指导,请尽早与我们联系。
* 推荐信两份(Reference Letters)
... For further instruction, please contact us at 020-8760 0086.
资料审核(Documents review):
Before interview, please send all portfolio and documents to our course consultant and art teacher. They will provide professional opinion and guidance for you.
作品集指导(Portfolio preparation):
预约报名电话:(8620) 8760 0086
Students who want to be better prepared for the interview could join the portfolio preparation course in International Creative Art & Design Academy.
For registration, please contact 020-8760 0086.