时尚女魔头Grace Coddington 校园行
天麟海外艺术创意启发中心 | 2012-11-29
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时尚女魔头Grace Coddington 校园行
近日,著名时尚杂志《Vogue》创意总监 Grace Coddington 在中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院参加了她的新书庆典发布会。被时尚界誉为本年度最期待的新书《Grace: A Memoir》撰写了Grace传奇的时尚生涯。书中还有许多精美的插图,都是Grace历年的经典之作。新书签售会非常的火热,刚开售45分钟就卖出了500本,关注时尚潮流的粉丝们千万不要错啦!
Grace Coddington
The internationally-renowned
The event celebrates Coddington's recently-released autobiography, Grace: A Memoir, one of this year's most highly-anticipated fashion books. The tome was officially launched yesterday with a store signing at Browns, when fans bought between 400 and 500 books within 45 minutes.