Green Week 2012 |

University of the Arts London’s annual Green Week runs 6-10 February, with a programme of events and activities encompassing everything from nature talks to workshops, Pants to Poverty walks to Pecha Kuchas, plus conferences, debates and exhibitions.
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What, when, where |
This year’s stimulating programme is being updated constantly with new activities so keep checking the events listings for the full line up to see what’s happening in your College and across the University.
Read the full events listings on MyArts |

Low Carbon Design Prize |
The Mayor’s Low Carbon Prize is your opportunity to make a contribution to help London become a leading low carbon city. 80% of London’s CO2 emissions come from the use of electricity and fossil fuels in our homes and workplaces. The Mayor wants to cut CO2 emissions in London by 60% by 2025. To do this we need to supply our buildings with lower carbon energy and make them more energy efficient. They are looking for new ideas from students that will help redesign the future. Would you adapt an existing activity, product or service to reap carbon savings? Or do you have a new invention and just need that bit of extra support to make it a reality? There is a total of £20,000 up for grabs to be awarded to the best ideas.
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Cycling jersey design competition |
Commonplace have launched a competition with cycling fanatics Milltag to design a London cycling jersey that truly celebrates London’s diverse history, culture and general brilliance. The competition is open to all UAL students.
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Sustainability online |
University of the Arts London is determined to make a distinctive and creative contribution to addressing the world’s social and environmental needs, by integrating sustainable and ethical practices throughout all aspects of the life and work of our staff and students. Our dedicated sustainability website is at and includes information, news and resources on sustainability at University of the Arts London. Bookmark the site today to keep up to date on the latest developments.

Green events around the world |
Our Green Week is part of the nation-wide People and Planet Green Week.
Later this year the global Earth Day falls on 22 April; the first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. The 42nd Anniversary of Earth Day will focus on building the environmental movement and engaging new environmental activists around the globe. Read more.
Taking place 12-18 March 2012, the national Climate Week offers “an annual renewal of our ambition and confidence to combat climate change. It is for everyone wanting to do their bit to protect our planet and create a secure future.” Read more |

Keep updated |
Sustainability email
The sustainability email list was created as an informal discussion group on sustainability within the University. All staff are welcome to join and all ideas are welcome. This is a network for raising awareness of sustainability issues, asking questions, exchanging ideas and encouraging good practice. Subscribe and find out more. |