Interview Date:
7 July 2014 (Monday)
面 試 官:
Makeba Lewis (倫敦藝術大學資深導師和面試官)
Makeba Lewis (International coordinator at University of the Arts London)
面試材料(Interview Documents):
* 個人作品集(Portfolio )---如申請藝術設計類課程,請帶齊所有作品集。
(please bring all of your works to the interview, if applying for art and design course.)
* 已填好的申請表(Application Form)---請與我們索取。
* 個人陳述(Personal Statement)
* 在校成績單(Academic Transcripts)
* 畢業證、學位證或在讀證明(Graduation Certificate, Degree Certificate, or Studentship Certificate)
* 學習計劃書(Study Proposal) ---如需專業指導,請盡早與我們聯系。
* 推薦信兩份(Reference Letters)
... For further instruction, please contact us at 020-8760 0086.
資料審核(Documents review):
Before interview, please send all portfolio and documents to our course consultant and art teacher. They will provide professional opinion and guidance for you.
作品集指導(Portfolio preparation):
預約報名電話︰(8620) 8760 0086
Students who want to be better prepared for the interview could join the portfolio preparation course in International Creative Art & Design Academy.
For registration, please contact 020-8760 0086.