天麟海外藝術創意啟發中心 | 2012-11-02
Shrewd advice from the Master
近日,世界著名高跟鞋設計師 Professor Jimmy Choo 在訪問馬來西亞藝術學院時談到他在倫敦求學時的經歷和挑戰。他建議學生們應該好好珍惜現在的學習環境。發達的科技,優越的氛圍都是培養學生們的良好條件。成為一個出色的設計師並不容易,必須經過努力刻苦的磨練。當學生問道他設計的靈感的源頭的時候,他回答說靈感可以來自學習。尤其是學習著名的設計大師們。例如學習英國皇家的設計師們的設計是如何得把鞋子和禮服搭配得如此高貴,優雅。“這並不意味著要抄襲他們的作品”他強調說。Professor Jimmy Choo 一直致力于時尚設計和教育的領域,他正在和馬來西亞政府洽談,希望開設新的學校,把他的專業知識傳授給學生們,為培養下一代優秀的設計師做出貢獻。
Professor Jimmy Choo和學生們的合影
It was also a prelude to the New Generation Fashion Awards 2012.
At MIA, Choo spoke to budding designers about his experiences as a design student in
He said that it was now harder to make it in the business as more people have become aware of the prospects of being a shoe designer or maker, and going to the best institutions would be costly.
He added, however, that the younger generation today has all that they would need to know at their fingertips, thanks to technological advances.
"Drawing a pair of shoes may look easy but it is not; you might end up drawing cucumbers," he said jokingly, while sharing about his struggles as a student in
The students were also given opportunities to speak to the iconic shoemaker during a Q & A session.
When asked about inspirations, Choo said he gets them from studying people, what they look for in shoes and from there, he would improvise to offer them better shoes.
He especially studies famous people, like the royal family, because they have top designers making their outfits for them and he tries to match those outfits with his shoes.
"But do not copy other people's designs!" he stressed.
As for his future plans, Choo said that he and the Malaysian government are discussing on opening his own shoe-designing institution.
"When I tour colleges and give talks, many would ask me to come back to teach my skills to the students. Therefore, having my own institution seems like a fair step forward," he said.
Choo had also offered his support to students who intended to further their design studies in
The students also attended talks on styling by Primeworks Studio Sdn Bhd image consultant Zaihani Mohd Zain and on how to approach the press by former fashion editor of Her World magazine, Alistair Tan.
(英文信息來自New Straits Times)
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