
天麟海外藝術創意啟發中心 | 2012-09-28

National student survey: UK student satisfaction reaches new record






The National Student Survey has been published every year since 2005. Photo: Alamy


National student survey: UK student satisfaction reaches new record


Eighty-five per cent of UK students are satisfied with their university courses, a new high since the launch of the National Student Survey in 2005.



Eighty-five per cent of UK students said they were either "definitely" or "mostly" satisfied with the quality of their course – up from 83 per cent last year – while eight per cent of students reported themselves dissatisfied.


Around 287,000 final-year students responded to the annual National Student Survey this year, which was published this morning by the Government’s Higher Education Funding Council. For the first time survey results will be included in Key Information Sets data to be published on the Unistats website, which is due to be launched later this morning by the Business Secretary Vince Cable.


“Applying to university is a big decision and we want to ensure that all students, whatever their background, have the key facts at their fingertips to help them make the right choice for them," said Dr Cable. "The introduction of the Key Information Set represents a major step forward for students, their parents, and their school and college advisers.”



(英文和圖片來自 The Telegraph.co.uk)

