倫敦︰耐克攜手年輕藝術家們帶來T-shirt 系列

天麟海外藝術創意啟發中心 | 2012-09-24

Nike and Young Artists Will Present a T-shirts Collection in London

倫敦︰耐克攜手年輕藝術家們帶來T-shirt 系列


2012年伊始,耐克和倫敦藝術大學以及著名藝術家Dave White共同發起項目,鼓勵年輕的藝術家和設計師為一系列耐克T恤衫設計印花。Dave White 和倫敦傳媒學院院長指導倫藝六家學院的年輕人,要求他們將對體育信仰、責任、成就的解讀,結合“偉大歷程”這一口號,運用到設計之中。現在,成果已經出爐,714開始,倫敦的幾家耐克店將同時發售這一系列T恤。


In the beginning of 2012, Nike teamed up with University of the Arts London and renowned artist Dave White to launch a project that would inspire young artists and designers to create original prints for a collection of Nike t-shirts.


Photo: the Nike Journey to Greatness collection, from yinnyang.co.uk


Dave White and the Dean of Design at LCC offered guidance to the design graduates from some of the best art institutions in the world such as London College of Communication (LCC), Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon (CCW), Central Saint Martins (CSM) and London College of Fashion (LCF), says Yinnyang.co.uk. The young talents were tasked to interpret athletic commitment, dedication and achievement and implement it to t-shirt designs under the slogan Journey To Greatness.


The result of the collaboration will hit Nike Town London and 1948 London stores on July 14. The t-shirts will be sold at price starting 5 each.


No wonder that all designs differ very much from each other but each tee-shirt print conveys the idea of the athletic spirit which leads to victory. Dave White who previously collaborated with Nike to develop the Air Jordan 1 Retro shoe design also design a tee to the final collection. The artists also judged artworks submitted to the Foot Locker Art Prize 2011.



