天麟海外藝術創意啟發中心 | 2012-05-23
What's On: Into the Fold
坎伯韋爾藝術學院畢業生和研究人員借助名為“盡在其中”的展覽,圍繞“理想與互動工作室”的概念展開探討。眾多藝術設計界名流如Rick Poyner, Fraser Muggeridge, Teal Triggs and Sam Winston悉數登場,討論、演講、工作坊,熱鬧異常。理想工作室的概念並非指那種設計精良和建設完整的建築空間,而是為設計項目、工作坊、討論及相關事件提供寬廣空間,成為上述活動發生的平台。設計師在這里可以以圖文並茂的形式集中展示創作理念和動機,這些不僅可以促成設計師與他方更廣泛的合作,也成為坎伯韋爾出版社每日出版物的即時素材。受坎伯韋藝術學院委托,坎伯韋爾出版社將建設這個工作室。
For two and a half weeks,
What can you tell us about the concept for this show and how the exhibition came about?
The college asked us – Camberwell Press – to take over the Camberwell Space gallery, setting up a design studio within the space. The concept was initiated by discussing the notion of what constitutes a studio, regardless of discipline, and what an ideal studio could be. I am currently interested in the crossover between differing studio cultures and find that collaboration and dialogue occurs when so called non-related disciplines are brought together.
The conceptually ideal studio is not defined in terms of a well-designed and built studio space, rather a space in which design projects, workshops, discussions and events can take place.
What can we expect from all the designers and practitioners who will be visiting?
A diverse range of visual and written material that is curated and displayed onto the gallery wall as it is generated – the majority of the content will be created and produced within the gallery/studio.
The timing of the exhibition has meant that the invited practitioners have had little time to prepare their contribution but we anticipate that this will result in spontaneity and multidisciplinary collaboration.
In addition, an environment can be created where we are not only discussing and presenting but producing in a gallery space. In some cases it is temporal or ephemeral and located in action rather than product.
“Ideal” is a very subjective term – it could be the work that comes out, or the stuff that goes in, or the people that work there – what do you think it means?
One definition of ideal is represented by an abstract or hypothetical optimum and relates to my concept of the ideal studio, in a way that is what we are trying to achieve. Ideal in terms of satisfying one’s conception of what is perfect is very ambiguous and probably over ambitious, this could prove to be a weakness in the concept.
One contributor’s thoughts on using the space to work or present in could be very different to another’s and this could inform an exciting or disappointing outcome. There have been doubts expressed by some contributors regarding the appropriateness of presenting talks in a gallery space but perhaps the tension that arises from engaging in familiar activity in a new context is part of the ideal.
The content of the publication will arrive only once the show is over, how are Camberwell Press aiming to create something this content heavy in such a short (non-ideal) time?
The publication will be designed and produced daily as the content and material is generated within the studio – pages of the publication will be displayed in the gallery as it is designed.
The publication will be informed by visual and written material, curated on the gallery wall. The initial run of Into the Fold is to be produced in-house using photocopying and printmaking in an edition of one hundred; this edition will be available at the publication launch.
We will be publishing a greater quantity once the exhibition has finished but it is going to require a lot of hard work from the Camberwell Press team to assemble a publication in two days. Hopefully it’s a decision we will not come to regret but perhaps an ideal publication can be created when time is limited?