天麟海外藝術創意啟發中心 | 2012-03-06
2012年倫敦時裝周于周五在薩默塞特宮拉開精彩帷幕,T台上的模特兒身著設計師們風格迥異的作品,十分奪人眼球。當日, Antoni & Alison, Bora Aksu, Corrie Nielsen和中央聖馬丁的在讀研究生等共16名設計師展示了各自的最新力作。中央聖馬丁Stella McCartney, Brooke Bora Aksu, Christian Blanker, Christopher Kane 還有Alexander McQueen等大牌校友的服裝秀歷來是時裝周的重頭戲,寄托著眾多期待。這個時尚界頂級學府的學子們,傳承勇于冒險和大膽探索的精神,3D服裝與突出的模塊或掩面的帽飾搭配,創造出本次時裝周新的亮點。時裝周聚集了全球的知名設計師和模特兒,于21日閉幕。
London Fashion Week (LFW) got off to a great start on Friday, as models walked the ramp for various designers on the first day at Somerset House in
As many as 16 designers, including Antoni & Alison, Bora Aksu, Corrie Nielsen and designers from Central Saint Martins MA showed their creations at the event.
The Central Saint Martins MA fashion show, with alumni like Stella McCartney, Brooke Bora Aksu, Christian Blanker, Christopher Kane and the late Alexander McQueen, was one of the most anticipated shows at the London Fashion week. Students from Central Saint Martins MA, one of
Designers and models from across the world will be attending the LFW, that will end on Feb. 21, one of the four biggest such events in the world; the others are in
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