
天麟海外藝術創意啟發中心 | 2012-02-20

London College of Communication student shortlisted for Sony World Photography Awards 2012


倫敦傳媒學院學生,來自巴西的Thamyres Matarozzi入圍2012年索尼世界攝影比賽學生組10強,成為6大洲進入該比賽最後階段的參賽者之一。她的作品記錄了玻利維亞南部鹽堿沙地因連日暴雨而變成澤國,波光粼粼,如鏡般,閃耀在荒漠之中,蔚為壯觀;之後數日,又因干旱,荒漠重回舊貌,天地造化,彌散于時空交錯間。攝影師手中神器,將這一罕見的奇觀,瞬間定格,傳承永恆,融會貫通于俳句詩對時光穿梭的哲學描繪之中,自然天成。

London College of Communication (LCC) photography student Thamyres Matarozzi is one of ten finalists from across six continents shortlisted for the 2012 Sony World Photography Awards Student Focus competition, the most prestigious photography award for students. Her image entitled Salar de Uyuni is based on the philosophy of the haiku poem – depicting a ‘fleeting moment’, or ‘the decisive moment’.

“The photograph shows a salt desert in the south of Bolivia”, she says. “The desert was flooded due to a heavy rain storm which happened a few days earlier. This is a rare phenomenon as a desert has a very dry climate. The rain in such places only happens once every few years. It was a very special and unique spectacle. Once the salt was dry the translucent mirror that surrounded us was gone. However, thanks to photography we can share and be amazed by such beauty again and again.”

Thamyres, 25, came to London from Brazil with a BA in Cinema to study on the ABC Diploma in Photography at LCC. She says: “I’m delighted to be shortlisted. I've always been passionate about images. Being able to freeze a moment is quite something.”

She now has just a month to complete the second challenge, to produce a series of images on the theme of ‘Your world in colour’. Meanwhile her work will be exhibited as part of World Photo, London at Somerset House. The overall winner will be announced at the Sony World Photography Awards ceremony at London’s Park Lane Hilton Hotel on 26 April 2012, and will receive 45,000 Euros worth of Sony digital imaging equipment for their institution.

Professor Sandra Kemp, Head of College at LCC, says: “LCC is very proud that our student Thamyres Matarozzi has been shortlisted for such a prestigious award. She follows many fine photographers including Rankin and Tom Hunter who have learned their trade at the College.”

Student Focus has established itself as the world’s most high profile student photography award and is open to universities worldwide that run a photography programme. The shortlist was selected by a prestigious judging panel comprising World Photography Organisation (WPO) members indulging: Carl de Keyser Photographer and Co-Founder & Director of the XYZ Photography Gallery; Sarah Toplis Commissioning Editor for Young Tate and Virginia Morrison Executive Director of the Society for Photographic Education.



